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WarmLeads™ Lab

What is the primary advantage of WarmLeads™ Lab?

Stickiness and speed to sale.  Once a client has visualized the food menu, event space and how their guests will enjoy the experience, they are more engaged in the process.  Submitting an initial menu will also generate a warm lead, and makes it easier for your events team to convert an already motivated client.

How many images can I upload to the WarmLeads™ Lab?

There is no limit.  The more menu, décor and venue images you post, the more your guests can visualize what their event will look like, increasing the chances of conversion.  FB Labs also recommends to review images on a quarterly basis to keep your library fresh.

Can we make specific fields mandatory?

Yes.  Fields such as desired event date, guest count and budget per attendee are among the many fields that can be made mandatory.  We work with you to ensure that all fields are a part of a seamless process for the client, and event team.

Does FB Labs help us to track data?

Yes.  For instance, we can provide monthly updates on visitations to your events page and consumer behaviour - what guests click on, what is appealing and where they might tune out.

Can our Technical Team audit the FB Labs servers to ensure compliance with data privacy laws?

Yes.  Our FB Labs technical team can work with your IT specialist to perform an audit, which is a straightforward process.  Personal Identifiable Information (PII) data is collected through the “contact and request a quote” forms and we also outline in our terms & conditions where the data is stored, and for how long.  We give customers the ability to remove their data from any database upon request.

Do you have a chatbot function?

This is an optional add-on function and we understand the importance of real-time support from your hotel team.  We can tailor the chatbot availability to your needs using a secure third party plug-in.

Can we add any corporate promotions or updates to the WarmLeads™ Lab page?

Yes.  The platform is flexible and adding additional pages, notices or brand messages simply needs to be coordinated with our FB Labs technical team as part of our services fee.


QuickProposals™ Lab

What makes the QuickProposals™ so appealing?

Excel spreadsheets and Word documents disappear in favour of brand-centric, consistent, and aesthetically pleasing and interactive PDF and HTML based proposals.  This is particularly helpful for larger companies that find inconsistencies amongst hotels in their group.

Will QuickProposals™ integrate with our Event Customer Management System (CRM, such as Triple Seat, Delphi, etc.)?

So long as your CRM uses an open Application Programming Interface (API), FB Labs will integrate as part of our services fee.  We want you to capture every lead opportunity in your database.

Can room configurations be added to the QuickProposals™ Lab configuration?

Yes.  This will be a system-wide upgrade in our next software update, which is also vital for meeting planners.

When preparing the quotation, are we able to add basic room fees?

Yes.  When it comes to customized fees, we can add additional fields for you as a built-in to all your client proposal.

Does FB Labs integrate with payment systems?

Yes.  We especially understand the importance of deposits, and again want to make this easy for you and your guests as possible.

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